Is Your Check Engine Light Glowing?
For many people dealing with check engine light problems may be slight annoying if you’re not a professional. Here are tips on what to do in this situation.
According to an article at, “Why a Check Engine Light Needs to Be Inspected By an Auto Repair Shop”
“A lot of you probably just ignore the check engine light when it comes on. But the check engine light can be triggered by a number of issues. If you ignore these issues for long, they cause further, more costly problems. Owning a car, whether we like it or not, is a responsibility that requires some minor attention now and then in order to avoid a serious problem. If you really think about it; wouldn’t you want to keep your car, the thing in which you routinely travel above 60 mph, in good operating condition? Your life is on the line, after all.
We did our research and found out exactly what the most common reasons for a check engine light coming on are. One thing many of you might not be aware of is that if the light starts flashing, then it’s a more serious problem. Sometimes, though, an illuminated check engine light is something as simple as gas cap that needs to be re-tightened real quick. Other times, however, you have to take it into the shop.” To read the entire article click here.
For the Reno auto repair specialist, contact Wayne’s Automotive Center at 775-525-9366 or visit for more information on our auto services.