Auto Safety
How often do you get your tires rotated? Did you know that tire rotation extends the life of your tires? Let’s take a look at when it’s time to get tires rotated. According to an article at, “Tire Rotation” “Tire rotation is an important maintenance...
Are you considering buying a new vehicle? Not sure if you want to lease a new vehicle? Let’s take a look at the difference between a lease and a loan. According to an article at “What to Consider When Leasing a Vehicle” “A lease is a long-term...
Auto Repair, Auto Safety
Are you driving around with a cracked windshield? Driving with a cracked or chipped windshield can be a dangerous driving situation. Let’s take a look at when you need to replace or repair a damaged windshield. According to an article at, “Dealing with...
Maintenance, Ownership
Do you know how to protect your vehicle in the summer heat? Here are five tips on how to keep your vehicle running smoothly this summer. According to an article at, “How to Protect Your Vehicle this Summer” “There are many things you can...
Maintenance, Ownership
While summer offers endless possibilities for traveling, is your vehicle ready for a road trip? Let’s take a look at summer auto maintenance tips to consider before you head out on the road. According to an article at, “Road Trip Check...