Auto Repair, Maintenance, Ownership
To Save Money On Gas, Do Your Research There’s a lot of auto advice in Nevada right now on how to save on gas. Some of it is good advice and some aren’t. And it may well be a scam. Plain and simple. When someone offers you a product designed to save money on gas, ask...
Diesel Maintenance, Maintenance, Ownership Learning About The Serpentine Belt Have you ever wondered how the serpentine belt got its name? It derived its name from the fact that it snakes around various components...
Auto Safety, Ownership, Parts & Accessories New Tire Buying Basics Tips Everyone in Reno and Sparks, NV eventually replaces their tires. They do this because they’re worn out, or they’re just looking for something...
Auto Safety, Maintenance, Ownership We base 90% of our driving decisions on vision. Anything that impedes your vision can affect your driving safety – including a dirty...
Auto Repair, Auto Safety, Diesel Maintenance, Maintenance
Don’t Skip The Headlight Repair Do your headlights need repair? Night driving in Reno and Sparks is not as safe as daylight driving as evidenced by the increased accident rate at night. Visibility is essential to safe driving. We base ninety percent of our...