Reno & Sparks Emergency Car Kit
Roadside Emergencies Can Vary When you are dealing with roadside emergencies in Reno and Sparks situations can range from a flat tire downtown to a car trapped in a snowy ravine for days. These situations lead us to the topic of discussion today. You need to prepare...
Proper Tire Pressure – Reno and Sparks Slow Leak Repair
https://www.waynesautocenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/TireRepair_Reno_Sparks.mp4 Proper Tire Pressure If you drive anywhere in Reno and Sparks, you eventually are going to experience a flat tire. A flat tire can happen while cruising down the road or...
Tire Tread Depth For Reno And Sparks Drivers
https://www.waynesautocenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/TireTreadDepth_Waynes_Automotive_Reno_Sparks.mp4 When It Comes To Tire Tread Depth, Don’t Tread Lightly When it comes to tire tread depth, the federal government doesn’t set any standards,...
Reno and Sparks Car Alignment Advice
Signs Of A Car Alignment Issue Drifting to one side while driving could be a sign of a car alignment problem. If you look at your tires and notice uneven tire wear, or when you drive your steering wheel is off center, or your car doesn’t seem right and smooth...