Is Your Car Still Not Working Right After Auto Repairs?
Did you recently get auto repairs done and you’re dissatisfied? Feels like the vehicle still isn’t running properly? Here are tips on how to resolve auto repair issues.
According to an article at, “Problems With Auto Repairs”
“If your car, new or used, is in the shop for any reason, and you’re concerned you may have problems getting repairs done correctly, keep in mind the following steps to resolve problems.
1. Get the used parts from your repairs. Getting your used parts is a good idea any time you have major work done. If the garage will not give them to you, send a written request and keep a copy. If you still don’t receive parts, you are at least able to demonstrate to the court that you asked.
2. Have your car checked by an expert. While it’s possible to get a free estimate from a repair shop, you may be better off paying someone to look at the need for repairs thoroughly. If necessary, the mechanic may testify on your behalf in small claims court, or at minimum, may write a letter stating what’s needed.
3. Negotiate. With more evidence, you may be able to call and ask the first repair shop to redo the work or discuss a refund. If they agree to take the car back, insist on a written agreement detailing what they’ll do and how long it will take. Talk to the mechanic who’ll actually work on the car to be sure you both understand what needs to be done. Giving the repair shop a chance to make amends is usually easier to negotiate than getting a refund. Plus, if you need to sue and you refused an option to have them fix the problem, you may have a weaker case.” To read the entire article click here.
Here at Wayne’s Automotive Center you can trust that your vehicle is in good hands with our reputable auto mechanics. To schedule your Reno auto repairs contact Wayne’s Automotive Center at 775-525-9366 or visit