My Vehicle Won’t Start Call Wayne’s Auto Center in Reno Nevada
How frustrating can it be when your vehicle won’t start and you have an appointment shortly. First option freak out! No, not really do you know what to do when your vehicle won’t start like “driving”? Here is a list what you can try and then give Wayne’s Auto Center in Reno Nevada and schedule an appointment for auto repairs.
According to an article at, “Help My Car Won’t Start, What Can I Do”
“The process that goes on since the moment you put the key into the ignition to the point where the engine is running involves a few steps. Once you know at which step things go wrong, you will have a better idea why your car won’t start and what to do.
Let’s start with a few questions to find out at which step things go wrong. Your mechanic may ask you similar questions; this may help him (her) find the problem easier. If the answer has a link, follow it; if not, continue to the next questions.
Can you turn the key in the ignition? ……………………………. Yes No
When you turn the ignition ON before starting the car, do the lights come on in the
instrument panel? ……………………………………………………… Yes No
When you turn the ignition ON before starting the car, does the “Security” or Key-shaped
light stays on or flashes in the instrument panel? ………………. Yes No
When you turn the ignition ON before starting the car, does the “Check engine” light
come on? ………………………………………………………………… Yes No
What better describes your situation when you turn the ignition key to “Start” position?
Nothing happens, the starter won’t crank.
There is a click (or repeated clicking) but the engine won’t crank.
The engine cranks very slowly.
The engine cranks progressively slower, then just clicks.”
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