Suggestions When Searching for an Auto Repair Shop
Do you constantly put off auto repairs? Want to stop avoiding auto repairs and learn how you can minimize your stress level when looking for an auto repair shop?
According to an article at, “Finding a Quality Auto Repair Shop”
“Once you choose a shop, communication is critical. Checkbook advises that you write down a detailed description of the car’s symptoms, give a copy to the shop, and keep a copy. If possible, talk directly to the repair technician who will be working on the car. Checkbook also suggests that you:
• Either get a written estimate in advance or write on the repair ticket that no work is to be done without the customer’s approval based on a written estimate.
• Get a written, dated invoice that includes the vehicle’s odometer reading and details the parts and labor the shop has provided — an important record if you have to go back to the shop for further work on the problem.
• Pay by credit card. Doing so gives customers enormous leverage by letting them request charge-backs if something goes wrong. Finally, if the car is still not right after you pick it up, notify the shop in writing immediately.” To read the entire article click here.
Customers that are looking for an auto repair shop you can trust that offers top-notch quality service Wayne’s Automotive Center is the place. For more information contact Wayne’s Automotive Center at 775-525-9366 or visit