Wheel Alignment Warning Signs

Wheel Alignment Warning Signs

When you don’t properly maintain your tires it could affect your vehicle performance such as your wheel alignment. Let’s take a look at warning signs that your vehicle alignment needs to be checked by an auto professional.

auto glass 2According to an article at lubemobile.com.au, “Auto Maintenance Tips”

“Having the wheels on your car aligned properly can drastically affect its performance. It may not seem terribly inconvenient for regular driving, but if you find yourself in an emergency situation or have to make a sharp turn at high speed, wheel alignment can be the difference between life and death. Luckily, your car will give you many hints that it’s time to get a re-alignment done, so keep an eye out for symptoms that your car isn’t quite right, and do something if an obvious issue emerges. The following are tell-tale signs that you should have your wheel alignment checked.


If your car drifts to one side a little when you are driving on a flat road, you may have a problem with your wheel alignment. If the drifting is only slight and towards the gutter, it may simply be that the roads are banked, which is common, and there may be nothing wrong with your alignment. A significant wheel alignment problem will cause your vehicle to drift significantly to one side — even against the slope if it’s bad enough.

Off-center steering wheel

You can often tell that your wheel alignment is out just by looking at the steering wheel, as if it is off center, you likely have a wheel alignment issue.

Vibrating steering

If your steering wheel vibrates when you are driving, it can mean that your wheel alignment is out. The vibration may be caused by your wheels having been knocked out of alignment, which can often be the result of hitting a pothole. The vibrating may be the precursor to a bigger, more serious problem, so get it checked out before it gets worse.” To read the entire article click here.

Wayne’s Automotive Center in the Reno Sparks area strives for automotive repair excellence. For more information contact Wayne’s Automotive Center at 775-525-9366 or visit waynesautocenter.com.

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